Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Saturday, January 14, 2012

William the Great!

Our little boy

I can't believe how fast Will is growing and changing.
He is 2 1/2 yrs old.
Everyday he looks more and more like a little boy and not my baby.
He is independent, helpful and sweet.
When he gets angry you better watch out, there is no consoling him.
I think he enjoys time outs and that worries me.
He loves quite time, puzzles, reading, and stacking things like plastic containers.
He loves nursery
He can fold his arms when we pray.
He cries if someone gets hurt in one of his Disney movies.
He is a very sensitive little boy.
His favorite word right now is "no" and he says it so cute!
He Loves dinosaurus, trains, and Bolt.
He loves to dance to Bollywood movies
He loves musicals.
He loves my pink blanket and calls it baby.
His words up to now are Ironman, Thor, no, jugo ( juice), rojo (red), yellow, verde ( green), mom mom,   daddy, baby, deti ( toy story), oh oh, caca ( duck), yuck, choo choo, football and yum yum.
He loves to tickle daddy and wrestle every day
He will randomly come up to you and kiss you on the mouth and then finds it funny to wipe it off his face. silly boy.
He can mimic sounds really well and understands me when I speak to him both spanish and english.
He loves to learn the alphabet and can distinguish 7 letters. we are working on the numbers
He is lean but tall and wears size 8 in shoes.
He loves to point to my belly and says " baby" aw" and kisses it.

We love him so much and feel so blessed to be his parents. We are so excited for him to be a big brother ( bubba) this summer.

Monday, January 9, 2012

We are having a baby!!!

2012 is already a wonderful year.
Kent and I are having another baby 
this summer and are ecstatic.
We remind Will that there is 
a baby in my tummy. 
He then kisses my belly 
and says " baby,baby aw baby" 
with the cutest little high pitched voice. 
I love him. 
He will be the sweetest 
Bubba any child could have.

**please excuse my " no make up" picture. Took this after a long delicious nap during the day. **
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